Glomus coremioides

= Sclerocystis coremioides

Voucher Specimen

This species was the last remaining member of Sclerocystis until 18S rDNA sequences revealed it’s position in the center of the Glomus clade. With this evidence, and the continuum of an evolutionary increase in complexity of sporocarp formation in the genus, S. coremioides was transferred to Glomus (Redecker et al., 2000).

SporocarpsHyphal plexus
Sporocarps fuzzed dark spheresSporocarps fuzzed dark spheresSpores oval attached to hyphal plexus fuzzy matrix

Links to Gene Sequences in Genbank

rRNA genes


  • Redecker, D., J. B. Morton, and T. D. Bruns. 2000. Ancestral lineages of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomales). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 14:276-284.