This room is completely separated from all plant-growing areas so that we can conduct all manipulations of culture material without risk of contaminating growing pot cultures. It is here that we set up new cultures, reseed or transplant active cultures if they need to be grown longer, or extract spores to monitor composition, quantity, and quality of propagules. A large sink (with covered soil trap below) provides ample workspace to keep everything clean and dust-free. Rigorous quality control procedures are used to prevent cross-contamination while carrying out above-mentioned operations. Sieves and centrifuges are equipment used for spore extractions.
Root staining and other procedures requiring handling of chemicals are done in a separate area of this lab space.
All materials used to create cultures are kept in closed containers and all pot contents are sealed in zip-loc bags for storage.

A separated and restricted area of the lab with an exhaust hood is used for staining and mounting roots. All EHS guidelines are followed for the safe storage and handling of materials.