Glomus hoi

Voucher Specimen

This description is a combination of information obtained from the protologue (Berch and Trappe, 1985), type specimens, and universal patterns of morphological organization and structure in Glomaceae. A living culture of this species has never been obtained by INVAM.

Spores are borne singly in the soil; globose, subglobose, ellipsoidal or irregular in shape; (50-) 80-120 (-155) x (45-) 75-120 (-140) µm diam; and light brown in color.

The spore wall is composed of two distinct, separable layers (L1 and L2). The outer layer (L1) is light yellow to orange-yellow in color under transmitted light; (2-) 4-6 (-8) µm thick, with an outer surface that fractures and sloughs. The inner layer (L2) is hyaline to light yellow, very thin, 1 um thick.

The subtending hypha is single; cylindrical or slightly flared toward the point of attachment, (5-) 8-11(-13) µm wide at the spore base. The hyphal wall consists of a single layer, 2.5-5 µm thick, sometimes bearing fine, thin-walled, septate, lateral branches.

The occlusion appears to be a thin, curved septum in the hypha lumen at or somewhat below its point of attachment to the spore.

Type specimensHyphae of type
Type specimensType specimensType specimensType specimensHyphae of type

Links to Gene Sequences in Genbank

rRNA genes


  • Berch, S. M. and J. M. Trappe. 1985. A new species of Endogonaceae, Glomus hoi. Mycologia 77:654-657.