Glomus lacteum

Voucher Specimen

This description is a combination of information obtained from the protologue (Koske and Halvorson, 1989), type specimens, and universal patterns of morphological organization and structure in Glomaceae.

Type Specimen
type specimenstype specimens


Spores globose to subglobose, 150-220 µm in diameter, milky white (opaque), shiny smooth.

The spore wall is simple, consisting of only one layer (L1), hyaline, 3-5 µm thick.

Two subtending hyphae positioned parallel to each other for some distance before merging into one attachment. The hyphal wall is hyaline, 0.5-2 µm thick.


Considerable diagnostic importance is placed on the presence of multiple hyphae subtending the spore, probably because there is so little information associated with the spore. However, number of subtending hyphae is highly variable amongst species in Glomus, and thus probably is not a good taxonomic character. Although not discussed, the more relevant feature is the similarity in thickness of spore and hyphal wall, which is most unusual.


  • Rose, S. L. and J. M. Trappe. 1980. Three new endomycorrhizal Glomus spp. associated with actinorrhizal shrubs. Glomus pansihalos: A new species in the Endogonaceae, Zygomycetes. Mycotaxon 10:413-420.